Thursday, January 3, 2008

We all have a past

Frankly, I wasn't sure they were going to accept my application.  I got myself into a little scrape at my last school.  Nothing sinister, mind you, just an imaginative, under-challenged young witch with too much time on her hands.  I say if you act like an ass you shouldn't mind looking like an ass.

And those colorful footprint running up and down the stairways?  I had nothing to do with that.  In fact I noticed that under Cassandra Grumlepant's robes her feet were blue and Ophilia Pussyfoot's were orange!   They spelled their feet!

I've known those two since Primary School and they were always causing trouble and letting other people take the blame.  If it hadn't been for the S.M.A.R.T.S. (Superb Marks And Really Talented Student) designation, I might not have made it into Hogwarts.  

Cassandra and Ophelia saw the whole asinine incident and knew Helga had started it, but those two goodie-two-shoes never said a word!  I got a week's suspension and missed dragon flying camp.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know.  If you've heard rumors about me they were greatly exaggerated; most of that stuff I can explain.  And watch out for those too-good-to-be-true Gryffindors.  What they're really good at is not getting caught!

1 comment:

Quinn said...

Lol. Don't worry, we'll show Griffindor when we win the house cup!