Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Late start to the day....

Crap, crap, crap!!!  I overslept this morning and was late for Divination.  The Professor should have seen it coming - a sad, tired, worn out joke I'm sure.  At least I didn't have to look into the blurry eyes of my Housemates who haven't been getting much sleep.  For the first time in a week everyone got some sleep.  The reason I overslept is my alarm glass was on the night table outside of the noise dampening charm I caste before going to bed.

I'm the snorer.  Madam Pomfrey promised to keep it hush, hush and gave me a charm to put under my bed.  Evidently, keeping the sound of my snoring in means keeping the sound of my alarm out.  Tonight I'll try setting the glass at the foot of my bed.

Just in time too - we all need to be on our toes.  Funny happenings around Hogwarts.  Strange weather, owls disturbed, house elves are wringing their hats, and a potentially tragic romance is blooming.

Everyone knows sweet Petunia Acromantula from Hufflepuff has a terrible crush on Augustus Cauldwell.  'Gus is a nice guy but his father is very old school.  The last part-muggle girl he dated disappeared during the winter holiday and never came back to Hogwarts.  Prissy's family was vacationing in the woods at the foot of the hills where the Cauldwell's family castle is located.  There was some talk about the disappearance happening when Mrs. Cauldwell and Gus were visiting relatives.  Anyway, I hope the Hufflepuffs are watching her back....

1 comment:

Jade Bladvak said...

I so enjoyed my good, quiet night of sleep. If you'd like, I can make sure to wake you in time for breakfast so you can continue to use your noise-dampening charm!
~Olive B.