Monday, December 31, 2007

Almost time!

Less than a day until the fourth Hogwarts Sock Kit Swap begins! Plans are running amuck - a special bag to design, sock yarn and goodies to surprise my pal/cohort. This is my first knitting related swap and I'm ready to get to it...

Today would have been my Grandmother's 107th birthday. She was an avid knitter, although she did needlepoint, crochet and such, knitting soothed her. Ironically, knitting never "took" with me until a couple of years ago. I think when I go to bed tonight I'll imagine a yarn shopping trip with Grandma to my favorite LYSs. Maybe the wish will turn into a dream....

Sunday, December 30, 2007

HSKS4 for House Points!

originally uploaded by Beanswallow.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Beanswallow's Under Construction

Welcome to the future home of Beanswallow's - a gentile place to set aside your woes, pull up by the fire, warm your toes and enjoy a cuppa.